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The best digital nomad medical insurance on the market

Joanna Horanin

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Hi, I'm Joanna, the author of The Blond Travels. In the worlds of Thailand and Portugal, I feel like a fish in water - and it's no coincidence! I've been exploring Thailand for over a decade, and I've settled in Portugal for 6 years now. My mission is to support Dreamers - just like you - in discovering these fascinating countries and helping those in love with them find their own place on Earth, preferably for good! Let's uncover these unique corners of the world together.

Buying a good travel medical insurance for digital nomads might be a struggle. Find out which companies are the best on the market and choose your policy wisely.

I’ve been a digital nomad for quite a few years. Now, I’m more settled than before, but due to constant moving and transferring from place to place, I have found it hard to have good insurance that would cover me if I get sick, have an accident, or need to go back home suddenly. That’s why throughout the years I’ve become an expert on choosing a good policy for myself.

If you are a digital nomad and would like to know more about health insurance policies, you’re in the right place! Here’s what you need to know!

Travel and travel medical insurance for nomdas and long-term travellers. Buy it anywhere, everywhere and enjoy a peace of mind.

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Medical travel insurance vs travel insurance – What’s the difference?

If you have ever travelled abroad, you might be aware of travel insurance and how to choose it. You know some companies, which you used before. So, how is that different from medical travel insurance?

Normal travel insurance covers you in case of delayed flights, lost luggage and unplanned accidents. Medical insurance there to cover you in case of prolonged stays in hospitals, or cancer treatments.

People who are not digital nomads, but live abroad permanently, usually buy medical insurance. Those that travel from time to time, buy small travel policies for a certain amount of time. Digital nomads have a few policies that cover quite a lot of things, which are included in both – medical and travel – insurance policies

Do you really need medical insurance as a digital nomad?

Digital nomads travel long term, often full time. They don’t go home that regularly. Therefore, if something happens to them while abroad, including some serious illnesses, they need to be sure that they are safe, covered and can go to the nearest hospital for treatment.

Sometimes there’s just no time to book a flight and travel home. Staying in a particular country is the best option.

Problems you may have with accessing healthcare without insurance

Digital nomads often fall into traps of not being able to access healthcare.

If you don’t live in your country at least 180 days per year, you are not entitled to pay taxes and therefore, you can’t access free healthcare.

Normal travel insurance will not cover you if you don’t have a return ticket to your country, or you’re abroad for longer than a certain amount of time. So, even if you have a travel policy, you won’t be able to use it.

The best thing for a digital nomad to do is to buy a special insurance designed for us!

How to choose a good medical insurance as a digital nomad?

When you start looking for your ideal policy, you will quickly find out that it’s quite hard to choose the best option. Here’s some advice that will help you out.

Consider the countries you’ll be travelling to

Good medical insurance for digital nomads usually include most countries where nomads like to reside, like Poland, Thailand, or Portugal. However, if you’re staying in the US your policy will be more expensive, or will not cover you.

Check carefully what countries are included.

The time you are planning to stay abroad

It’s important to know more or less how long you’ll be gone for. Sometimes, nomads go away only during the summer holidays, other times they decide to live somewhere long-term.

If you’re going only for 3 months and then you are planning to go home for the rest of the year, you can choose a normal travel policy. However, if you know that you want to stay longer, then it’s best to go for a policy that offers a little bit more.

Are you going to visit home?

Some insurance companies will cover you for a whole year when you are abroad, but won’t cover you in our home country. If you don’t have a medical insurance there and you get sick, then you will have to pay out of your own pocket.

Make sure that your policy covers you during your stays at home.

Your lifestyle

What do you like doing when you’re travelling? Do you like scuba diving, mountain climbing, or are you a couch potato. Choose a policy that will be suited to your lifestyle and needs. Some companies don’t offer any extra protection for people who like extreme sports.


Your laptop is the most important tool you have. Medical insurance for digital nomads don’t offer any extra coverage for equipment like cameras and laptops. You will need an extra policy for that.


The amount you pay depends on the deductible. This is the amount of money you will need to pay out of your own pocket in case you get sick, or something else happens. The larger this sum, the smaller your fee.

The best medical health insurance for digital nomads

Here are my few recommendations. I hope this will help you to choose the best option.

Safetywing (Highly recommended)

At the moment they have 3 products, which are worth considering.

Travel Nomad Insurance

What’s included:

  • Hospital – room and boarding.
  • Intensive care.
  • Ambulance.
  • Urgent care.
  • Physical therapy.
  • Emergency dental.

Doesn’t include:

  • High risk sports activities.
  • Pre-existing disease or injury.
  • Cancer treatment.

Extra features:

  • You can buy it anywhere.
  • The fee is deducted from your account every month.

Cost: From $40 per month.
Deductible: $250

Medical Insurance

What’s included:

  • Cancer treatment.
  • Reconstruction surgery.
  • Long term hospitalisation.
  • Treatment in case of pre-existing conditions.
  • Covid-19 tests if they are required by a physician.
  • Quarantinne for up to 10 days if it’s required because you tested positive or you’re symptomatic.
  • Stays in hospital related to Covid-19.

Cost: from $153 per month.

Read my review of Safetywing here.

World Nomads

What’s included:

  • Treatment in case of sudden injuries or illnesses.
  • Emergency medical evacuation.
  • Adventure activities, risk sports.

What’s not included:

  • Pre-existed conditions.
  • Cosmetic procedures.

Cost: depending on your age and country, from $200 per year.
Deductible: around $100.

IMG Global

What’s included:

  • Emergency evacuations.
  • Stay in hospitals.
  • Emergency care.
  • Maternity benefits.
  • Pre-existing conditions.

What’s not included:

  • Complementary care.
  • Maternity leave.
  • Podiatry care.

Cost: There are different plans and each is based on your age, your health and country you’ll live in.

Seven Corners

What’s included:

  • Emergency care, including dental.
  • Evacuation.

What’s not included:

  • Pre-existing conditions.

Cost: Based on your age and the country you’ll travel to.

These 4 companies are only a few medical travel insurance for digital nomads. There are a few more on the market, but I think they are the best. I hope that you will find it easier to navigate around all the information you find on the internet and choose the best possible policy. Good luck!

Do you have any questions? Would you like to share your experiences or your point of view? Don’t be shy! Leave a comment!

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